MWMX Motocross Coaching APP

Knowing exactly what to do to improve as a rider is hard. The MWMX App takes out the guess work, make it easier, make it quicker and more fun.
Register an account for the app by clicking the link below.

once registered, it can be downloaded and accessed from the app store

Championship tested methods

Skip the guess work, the endless trial and error, the banging your head on the wall wondering what you’re doing wrong. 

Featuring 150 + different drills, tips, skills and technique videos from expert coaches and such as Kale Makeham and Greg Moss.



Riders improved


State, national and international championships collected


Years in the industry

meet the Coaches

Kale Makeham

Kale is an Australian supercross champion, 12 time state champion, Indonesian Supercross champion. His hobbies are being an amateur pilot, riding motorbikes and building businesses!

if you don't improve - we don't get paid.

When signing up to the premium test option, we offer 100% money back guarantee on your improvement.

Using a filmed on-bike skills based assessment and the ability to access a coach by submitting riding footage 24/7, we are able to score and track your riding progress. 

Alternatively, we have a standard membership option which gives access to the entire content library. 

anybody, anywhere, anytime.

All you need to receive a complete assessment from a coach is 4 cones spaced 8 metres apart in a square formation. 

It can be done anywhere, anytime, by anyone which is the beauty of the app. 

If you have a bike, a small patch of ground and a phone, we can give you a complete detailed assessment on your riding within minutes. 


The premium option gives you  access to the “The test”. By completing the test, we can completely assess your riding, from body positioning, control use, vision and synergy. Once assessed, you receive your score and we are able to pin point exactly what areas to improve on the bike. With this we build you an evidence based custom program to improve your riding. This is undoubtedly the #1 way to improve your riding available today and it is the reason we have built the app. 

Yes, if you sign up for the test and complete all minimum 8 weeks we 100% guarantee your improvement or money back. As the test is resubmitted via video footage throughout the 8 weeks, we are able to score and measure your progress allowing us to prove whether improvements have been made. We do not guarantee improvement for the basic $30 option as we cannot assess your riding. 

YES! The app is built on providing footage to us, with the premium option you will have 24/7 access to a coach able to submit your riding footage anytime. The test also requires you film your attempt and send it in. The basic $30 option does not give you the ability to submit film. 

Yes! the beauty of the test is it can be done anywhere, anytime, by anyone. Literally. All you need is a bike, 4 cones and a backyard. Whether you are a first time beginner 50cc rider or a advanced 450cc veteran the test adapts to the skill level of the rider.

Because we put our money where our mouth is. If you’re serious about bettering your riding, we 100% money back guarantee this is where it will happen. No questions asked, done deal. If by the 8th week we haven’t seen improvement in your riding, you get the course free. 

There are 2 options, the basic $30 per month which gives access to the content library or the much desired premium “course” option for $299 a month. The app has been designed and its main value is by signing up and doing the test. There is an abundance of information in the world today, the issue is, are you consuming the right information for you. The test guarantees that.

The test is the first and only of its kind in motocross. All other competitors simply provide you unorganised content libraries which, lets be honest, you can get on Youtube for free. We show you exactly what’s wrong with your riding, and we fix it through our custom built motocross curriculum provided to you in the palm of your hand, 24/7.